YWCA main office re-opening to the public

June 1, 2020

June 1: This week, we are reopening the YWCA offices to the public. We closed our main office doors back in March in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, and since that time only our essential services for domestic and sexual violence survivors and homeless families have been available. Our goal is to reduce barriers to our services while protecting the safety of our staff, participants and community. Reopening will allow us to resume in-person programs and support services that our community depends on.

We are now open to the public Monday- Friday 10am- 4pm. Appointments are encouraged whenever possible. However, walk-in services will also be available without appointment. This includes families and individuals experiencing domestic violence or homelessness.

We have implemented the following protocols at the YWCA main office:

  • In order to encourage physical distancing and limit crowding in our main lobby, all guests will be screened in the front foyer before entering the lobby. If you wish to enter the lobby, please use the intercom and someone will provide assistance. If the lobby is occupied, you may be asked to wait outside or in your car. If there are safety concerns for survivors, accommodations will be made to find an alternate waiting area inside the building.
  • With a few exceptions, everyone will be required to use hand sanitizer and wear a face mask when they enter the building. Masks will be provided to those who don’t have one
  • Staff will wear face masks, wash hands frequently, and practice physical distancing. All staff will be monitored for temperature and COVID-19 symptoms upon entering the building for work each day.
  • Clients will be screened and their temperature taken upon entry into the building. If they are symptomatic, they will be asked to come back when they are no longer exhibiting symptoms.
  • Common office areas will be cleaned and disinfected at least twice daily.

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