Register for GUTS! Virtual Groups

This fall GUTS! is offering weekly virtual groups for girls and gender-diverse youth in grades 4-8. Groups provide an opportunity to connect with peers, share ideas, and receive positive mentorship. Groups meet on Zoom, September 27th- December 6th. Sign up here!...

GUTS is Looking for Volunteers

The GUTS! Program is recruiting volunteers who are interested in facilitating weekly groups and providing mentorship to girls and gender-diverse youth (ages 9-13), either on-site in Missoula schools or online. Volunteers are trained in the GUTS! leadership curriculum...

Thank you to all our supporters!

This has been another big year, filled with successes and challenges, ups and downs. Thank you for sticking with us! Here is a short video of thanks from all the staff of YWCA Missoula, and a look at your impact over the last...

Secret Seconds Wins #1 Best Thrift Store

Thank you for voting Secret Seconds #1 Best Thrift Store for Missoula’s Choice Awards, yet another year in a row! We appreciate the recognition and the unwavering support from this community. Kudos to our incredibly hardworking store staff. They really are the...

Swing Big for Kids

Children who experience homelessness or grow up in violent homes often miss out on typical experiences, like learning to swim or ride a bike. We can’t erase painful memories but we can help the kids in our programs build new positive memories and experiences. One...