YWCA Weekly Watch, April 6, 2020: Video update from emergency housing coordinator, Stephanie Wright, about the impact that shelter-in-place policies have on homeless families.
YWCA Weekly Watch, March 30, 2020: Here is a short video update from executive director, Cindy Weese, about what we’re doing right now to help victims of domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis.
March 24, 2020 update: The YWCA office remains closed to the public. However, you can reach the office via phone, Monday- Friday, 10am- 4 pm at 543-6691. Call the 24/7 crisis line with any questions or concerns about domestic or sexual violence: 542-1944 or...
3/20/2020: Due to a significant decrease in sales resulting from the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as our wish to protect community health, both Secret Seconds Thrift Stores locations are temporarily closed for business, starting March 19th until further notice. We will...
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